Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Diabetes Cure

Could an actual cure...not just a treatment...for diabetes finally be around the corner?

Scientists at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) have initiated a phase 1 clinical trial to reverse type 1 diabetes. A phase 1 trial is usually designed to determine the safety, side effects, and dosage range of a treatment, rather than its usefulness. If the proposed treatment is found to be safe, then researchers may initiate a phase II trial, to test its effectiveness on a relatively small group of test subjects.

So far, this promising new therapy has proven highly effective in curing laboratory mice of a form of diabetes closely resembling type 1.

Elsewhere, serious biomedical research into a cure for diabetes, using everything from human stem cells to cow urine is being performed.

With any luck, and lots of testing, the end of diabetes may finally be within sight.

Until then, If you actually do have diabetes, and you’re covered by Medicare, you should consider Diabetes Care Club for the latest in testing meters and diabetic supplies. They can send you the most advanced testing devices and supplies right to your door—with no out-of-pocket expense to you.

For more information visit